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"I have finally found a form of exercise that I actually enjoy with TransformHers bootcamps. I have almost dropped a whole pant size (a lot of my clothes are too big now!) and feel great after each session. It also gives me an opportunity to get outdoors more during the week which doesn't normally happen with my usual work routine."
Lee-Anne Holmes-Theron
"Never before have I enjoyed my training sessions. I have been with TransformHERS for two months and will be signing up again for the next camp. Training with Ru is such a pleasure, I'm already seeing a difference -still a long way to go but I will get there. "
Thandi Mpanza
"Thank you for getting me back into exercise. I had not done formal exercise for about 10 years, so what a shock to the system to get straight into it. I really enjoy the sessions even though they were tough and hard. I have felt a significant difference in the tone of my body and was pleased to see my progress at the end of the programme. I am even craving exercise and do long walks and specific body training (learnt in the sessions) everyday. "
Kirsten Davids
"I really enjoyed my experience at TransformHERS. It was awesome, tough at times, but so much fun. Our trainer Sibi was great and nice to meet new people! Would recommend it to anyone wanting a great work out and have a laugh!"
Chantel Van Deventer

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Stress-free Grocery Shopping

posted by Good Life Dietitians on 29 Aug 12, 21:21

Categories: Health

Faced with aisles upon aisles of products, the grocery shop can be a daunting experience. Here are some helpful tips to make your visit to the shops that much less stressful.

Do one big monthly grocery shop for all staples, and smaller weekly trips to the shops for fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and bread.

A common reason why people don’t eat well is because they are too disorganised. Disorganised shopping leads to disorganised meals. Make a list every time you go into a food store. Not only will you save money but you will also stock up on good, healthy foods.

Most people are unable to get to the shops more than once a week and complain that buying fresh vegetables daily is an inconvenience. Stock up on frozen vegetables like baby carrots, peas, broccoli, brussel sprouts and corn, and use the frozen vegetables on busy days when you can’t get to the stores.

Always purchase low-fat (or even better, non-fat) options of dairy products such as milk, yoghurt and cheese.

Refrain from shopping with younger children.

Pass the chocolates and sweets aisle altogether if temptation is too rife.

Always shop on a full stomach. Studies have shown that hungry shoppers are more likely to buy unhealthy foods then those who shop on a full stomach.

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