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Lee-Anne Holmes-Theron
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"Thank you for getting me back into exercise. I had not done formal exercise for about 10 years, so what a shock to the system to get straight into it. I really enjoy the sessions even though they were tough and hard. I have felt a significant difference in the tone of my body and was pleased to see my progress at the end of the programme. I am even craving exercise and do long walks and specific body training (learnt in the sessions) everyday. "
Kirsten Davids
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Chantel Van Deventer

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Survival guide to a healthier Easter

posted by TransformHERS on 28 Mar 13, 11:07

Categories: Health

#1 Choose smaller chocolate eggs
A 100g milk chocolate Easter egg contains over 500 calories. So, instead go for small, individually wrapped eggs. The act of unwrapping each egg will help you to eat less in one sitting.
If you can, go for dark chocolate eggs, which have the benefit of offering healthy antioxidants, as well as being lower in sugar, and having fewer calories. The added bonus is that you will also be satisfied with eating less.

#2 Give alternative gifts
Why not step out of the mould this Easter and give gifts that don’t involve chocolate?
You could go for storybooks or toys for children, gift cards, seasonal books or poems, baskets of fresh fruits, or bunches of flowers.

#3 Go for a healthy Easter menu
If you’re in charge of cooking this year here are a few healthier options for your Easter dinner:
•    Serve lean meats and fish, such as roast chicken, beef, salmon, or trout.
•    Go for healthier cooking options such as grilling, poaching, or baking.
•    Serve a vegetarian option such as grilled vegetable kebabs, or stuffed portabello mushrooms.
•    Go for a salad of brown rice or Bulgar wheat with lots of veggies added for extra colour and nutrition.
•    Make a delicious salad of leafy greens, tomatoes, basil, goats cheese, and homemade citrus dressing.
•    Bake your own themed cookies and cakes. Check out this post on healthy ingredient substitutions for more tips on how to make your recipes healthier.
•    For nibbles, dried fruits, unsalted nuts, fresh fruit, homemade cookies, mini fruit muffins, and low fat frozen yoghurt will go down a treat

#4 Balance things up
The secret to enjoying a little chocolate over the Easter holidays is to make sure you eat carefully at other times.
If you feel you’ve indulged a bit too much, try to cut back on your meal portion sizes and snacking for a few days to get the calorie balance right.
Remember, a little bit of what you fancy does you good!! So, have a smaller portion of chocolate and don’t allow yourself to feel guilty about it.

#5 Hold an Easter egg hunt
For many families Easter is simply about the chocolate eggs, but it can also be a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family and friends.

Taken from

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